BusinessNews Today

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Just Another Way To Get Pay To Blog


Despite the fact that we are all looking for different ways to get paid to blog. We can never overlook the opportunities that sites such as can offer us. is a great site for every one who can write about anything and just get paid for posting new content. They even have a system where you can be able to upload your blog and post your content onto their service. And the cool part about it is that you can get paid every time you are posting something on your own blog. Here is my myLot User Profile check it out.

In order for you to get advantage of this services and start getting paid to post your content into their website you need to:

First: Create an account with

Second: Go to the “blogs” tab in the main menu and click on it.

Third: Click on the “add new blogs” and submit your blog. Note: it is a requirement that you submit your blog’s rss feed.

Forth: The system will show you a link such like this one;”<a href=''>myLot User Profile</a>,”  when you are done submitting your blog.

Fifth: You need to post that code somewhere on your post in order to activate your blog with your account in And voilà, you can now start writing your posts on your blog and at the same time start feeding new content to your user profile at Happy blogging! 

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